I prefer not to write about myself, but since I happen to be doing
that very thing, let me paint a picture that depicts my approach to
contributing value in my work. I will use the following headings to
accomplish this: clarity, honesty, and diligent in the details.
1. Clarity
If you have ever fallen short of achieving an outcome due to
incomplete instructions, you might understand the value of a clear
prompt. Worse yet, if you have ever caused someone else to fail due to
your lack of setting clear expectations, you might know the value of
clear communication better still. I desire to speak clearly to others
about expectations so that we can have a better chance of success as a
2. Honesty
This might be a buzzword when it comes to company values and desirable
characteristics of new team members. However, once the dust settles
and the work begins, honesty provides the foundation that trust is
built upon. In addition to the value of having integrity, being honest
with others by simply sharing an opinion, or even graciously
disagreeing, is part and parcel of a healthy work culture.
3. Diligent in the details
It really doesn't take much to cause an error while writing code. It's
funny how thrilling it can be when adding a semi-colon makes all the
error messages disappear. There is no question that getting the
details right makes a difference. Everyone has a different threshold
for dealing with them, though. I have a healthy respect for the
details and even sometimes enjoy them. I definitely can't ignore them.
If you want to connect, I would be happy to talk.
If you want to hear about how I accidentaly learned Tailwindcss,
please don't hesitate to reach out.
If you're new to writing code and need some pointers, I will gladly
share some of the things that I have experienced so far.